25weeks baby bump

My baby bump at 25.5weeks - baby bump is not so obvious when wearing certain clothes :)

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I'm feeling the stretch on my lower abdomen now (abs... what's left of my abs pre-pregnancy. what abs?? )

& my tailbone is starting to ache more frequently, especially when bending at certain angles.

Weight gain so far at 25 weeks is 5 kg (from 52kg to my current 57kg). My pre-pregnancy BMI: 19 - so I'm presuming that I'm on track. As a quick guideline, you can refer to this: http://www.babyyourbaby.org/pregnancy/during-pregnancy/weight-gain.php

Doc actually says to keep a watchful eye on my weight gain so that I can cope better with possible aching joints and muscles. This definitely makes sense, but oh gosh, it is sooo difficult with my tastebuds going haywire and appetite increasing ferociously, daily!


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