My dear baby girl

I'm currently at 23 weeks and 5 days and I can feel the lethargy starting to set back in. The past few weeks had been great, with enough energy to get through my day without additional hours of sleep/naps.

However, yesterday and today, I could feel my energy levels just sapping to half what it was a few weeks ago.

So much has happened in the past 2 months that I had not had time to update my blog. For starters, we found out 2 weeks ago that we're having a baby girl. Daddy is delightfully happy to say the least. :) She's going to be a Daddy's girl, I'm sure.


This is an ultrasound shot that our OBGYN captured of our girl's facial structure, from the front.


Her side profile


Skeletal outline of her hands and fingers


And her 2 feet! :)

I can feel her kicking for the past week now, usually after a meal and when I'm sitting on my bed. Meals & inactivity seem to encourage kicking.

I'm starting to feel nervous now about several things: possible stretchmarks, if I will be able to return to my original weight after delivery (yes I'm vain and  somewhat of a narcissist), will my delivery be smooth, will I require a c-section, will I require a episiotomy during delivery, will my baby girl be in the right position for delivery, will the doctor have to induce labour, will I deliver earlier than 38 weeks or later than 40 weeks.


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